MOAB® AC Substation for GLOBAL TECH 1 Wind Park - German North Sea
Offshore Wind
The GLOBAL TECH 1 Substation is a self installing platform according to OVERDICK MOAB® concept.
The entire electrotechnical and utilities equipment it is self-contained within the platform topsides. Included in the topsides is also the hotel module for 40 POB and a full operational helicopter infrastructure.
The GLOBAL TECH 1 MOAB® is a perfect example of the flexibility of the MOAB® concept as a platform for the most various services.
- Client
Keppel Verolme2013 - Location
- German North Sea
- Keywords
- AC Substation, Collision and Collaps Analyses, FE Analysis, Fixed Platforms, Geotechnical Analyses, Heavy lift engineering, In-place analyses, MOAB, Mooring Analysis, Motion Analysis, offshore wind, platform, Self installable platforms, Structural Design, Towage
- Characteristics
Payload: 2.900 t
J Tubes: 16
LAT: 40m
POB: 37
Power: 400MW
- Engineering Services
Concept Design
Detail Analysis of Jacket
Detail Engineering
Fabrication Follow-Up
Foundation Design
Heavy Lift Analysis and Design
Installation Engineering
Transport & Installation Engineering
Marine Analysis for Tow and Installation
MetOcean Criteria Definition
Platform Concept
Structural Design
Structural Verification for Transport & Installation - Concept Design
- Detail Analysis of Jacket
- Detail Engineering
- Fabrication Follow-Up
- Foundation Design
- Heavy Lift Analysis and Design
- Installation Engineering
- Transport & Installation Engineering
- Marine Analysis for Tow and Installation
- MetOcean Criteria Definition
- Platform Concept
- Structural Design
- Structural Verification for Transport & Installation
- Map
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