MOAB® AC Substation for VEJA MATE Wind Park - German North Sea
Offshore Wind
The MOAB® Veja Mate is the substation platform for the wind farm Veja Mate, located in the western part of the German North Sea sector. The platform concept is based on the successfull Overdick’s MOAB® “self installing” platform concept. The platform engineering has been completed and certified and is ready to be realized.
Location: German North Sea
Project Details
- Client
- Keywords
- AC Substation, Collision and Collaps Analyses, FE Analysis, Fixed Platforms, Float over, Geotechnical Analyses, Heavy lift engineering, Hydrostatics, In-place analyses, Jacket, MOAB, Motion Analysis, offshore wind, platform, Structural Design
- Characteristics
Payload: 1.900 t
J Tubes: 14
LAT: 40 m
Power: 400MW
- Engineering Services
Concept Design
Detail Design
Detail Engineering
Heavy Lift Analysis and Design
Installation Engineering
Load out and Float-Over Engineering
Transport & Installation Engineering
Marine Analysis for Tow and Installation
Structural Design
Structural Verification for Transport & Installation
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