HVDC Dolwin gamma
Offshore Wind
OVERDICK conducted the overall design, structural design as well as the transport and installation engineering.
2016 June – Jackets installation finalized
2017 July – Topsides installation finalized
Location: German North Sea
Project Details
- Client
- Nordic Yards, 2016
- Keywords
- Bollard Pull Analysis, FE Analysis, Fixed Platforms, Float over, Calculations, Geotechnical Analyses, Heavy lift engineering, Hydrostatics, In-place analyses, Integrated design solutions, Jacket, MOAB, Motion Analysis, offshore wind, platform, Seafastening, Services, Structural Design
- Characteristics
Topsides weight: 18.000 t
Jacket`s weight: 10.000 t
CAT`s weight: 1.100 t
J-Tubes: 12
LAT: 27,5 m
Power: 900 Megawatts
- Engineering Services
Concept Design
Foundation Design
Installation Engineering
Transport & Installation Design
Marine Analysis for Tow and Installation
Structural and Basic Engineering
Structural Verification for Transport & Installation
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