Smaalenene Bridge foundation caisson
Naval Architecture
Smaalenene bridge, and the new part of the highway between Oslo and Stockholm was opened November, 2010. The bridge is 315 meters long and crosses the longest river in Norway, Glomma.
The German Bilfinger Berger Group has carried out the construction works on behalf of the Norwegian state road authorities, whereas OVERDICK was responsible for the installation engineering of the reinforced concrete circular foundation caisson for the bridge pylon.
A special floating installation tool consisting of small pontons and link elements was assembled at site. The pontons were arranged such forming a catamaran interconnected by link beams. This configuration allowed to construct the base part of the foundation supported by the floaters and to set down the foundation in a controlled way at its final position. Strand jacks were used throughout the operation for the lowering process.
Location: Norway
Project Details
- Client
- Bilfinger, 2009
- Keywords
- Construction, Hydrostatics, Services
- Characteristics
Long 315m
Main span 185m
Tower high 88mCAISSON:
Top of caisson +78,50m
Foundation +57.00m
Diameter appr. 9m
- Engineering Services
Concept Design
Foundation Design
Transport & Installation Engineering
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