HVDC Sylwin alpha
Offshore Wind
OVERDICK conducted the overall design, structural design as well as the transport and installation engineering.
The topsides’ record setting weight of SylWin alpha is beyond the lifting capacity of any offshore crane available. Therefore the design decision was made to conceive the platform as a float-over installation combined with self-installing concepts.
The installation was conducted in three phases: following the initial installation of the jacket, the topsides was towed to the site and set down on the jacket by float-over. Finally a temporary hydraulic jacking system was used to elevate the topsides to the required height.
Following the installations of the HelWin alpha BorWin beta, SylWin alpha is the third converter platform designed by OVERDICK to be installed in the North Sea. Together with the design of the Global Tech I and Borkum West II transformer platforms this success strengthens OVERDICK’s position as the leading engineering contributor to Germany’s offshore wind substation development.
Location: German North Sea
Project Details
- Client
- Siemens AG, 2014
- Keywords
- Bollard Pull Analysis, FE Analysis, Fixed Platforms, Float over, Calculations, Geotechnical Analyses, Heavy lift engineering, Hydrostatics, In-place analyses, Integrated design solutions, Jacket, MOAB, Motion Analysis, offshore wind, platform, Seafastening, Services, Structural Design
- Characteristics
Topsides weight: 15.000 t
Jacket weight: 5600 t
CAT weight: 500 t
LAT: 28,5 m
POB: 24
Power: 864 Megawatts
- Engineering Services
Concept Design
Basic Engineering Jacket und Topside
Detail Design AFC of Topsides
Foundation Design
Installation Engineering
Transport & Installation Design
Marine Analysis for Tow and Installation
Structural Analysis
Structural Design
Structural Verification for Transport & Installation
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